Summer has arrived and we can pick the best fruits
This year the good weather has been slow in arriving, the month of May has given our country a rainy and cold time.
Due to bad weather, many regions of Italy have suffered damage in the agricultural field and in particular have suffered from spring and early summer fruit crops.
Cherries are produced in many regions and are a traditional and excellent fruit in Puglia, with the Cerignola and Bisceglie cherries, in Campania and in Emilia where the Ciliegia di Vignola is famous.
All the productions have suffered in various ways the bad month of May weather.
Also in the Capo di Leuca region spring was difficult and the cold weather did not leave us until the beginning of June, but, inexplicably, our cherry production has finally gained momentum.
In our orchard there are few rather young plants that until now had not given us much satisfaction, but this year, we were able to taste our organic cherries in large quantities.
Our breakfasts have been enriched with this luscious fruit and, so our desserts at the end of dinner.
The best way to taste the cherries is natural, but they are also excellent accompanied by creams or put in cakes.
In fact, the cherry cake is fantastic, where cherries lightly sautéed with sugar so enriched with a tasty syrup, become a filling for cakes, or they can be a tasty cover for a cheese cake or an irresistible topping for a tart.
However, cherries with natural yogurt for breakfast are a true beneficial awakening of the senses!
Now that the time for cherries is coming to an end, we are waiting to be able to pick the first figs , apricots and after plums. We will not be caught unprepared and we will be busy with the usual preparation of genuine jams and aromatic liqueurs.